July 18, 2009

Filipinos version on world domination


This is an old article written by Ms. Jessica Zafra. This is her stake on Filipinos version of world domination. The gist of the article is that OFW phenomenon is actually a precursor how we Filipinos will rule the world. As the number of OFWs and Balikbayan continue to rise, the article finds its significance more than ever.

But it was only recent that I heard a radio commentator lambasted the article which primarily got me curious to check it out once again. I find it witty though (well, it's Ms. Zafra). Read on and be the judge.

Everybody says we’re wimps, right? The Air Force hasn’t got any planes and the Navy ships are held together by rust and spit and the Army’s guns are being sold off por kilo by enterprising parties. We’re practically defenseless, and if the leaders of some superior power should get it into their heads to invade us, the only way we might repel their forces is to douse them in buckets of boiling drool from the frothing mouths of our politicians. This way if infection doesn’t kill them, rabies will. Of course, those same invaders will rue the day they entered the P.I.–just wait until they breathe the black Manila air or see a Carlo Caparas film or attempt to drive on EDSA. But by the time they realize their humongous error, they’ll be here. We’re a bunch of defenseless dweebs, right? We’re weenies, right? We have nothing, right?

WRONG (to continue reading click here)

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